The Villa by the Lake by Boris Pahor in Italian and Its Indirect Translation into French
The Case of the Realia
Boris Pahor, The Villa by the Lake, indirect translation, realia, translation strategiesAbstract
This article examines the translation of realia in the Italian and French versions of the novel Vila ob jezeru (La villa sul lago and La villa sur le lac respectively) by Boris Pahor. The Villa by the Lake is so far the only novel by Pahor translated into French from an intermediate language, namely Italian. After a brief presentation of the work and the concept of indirect translation, the article focuses on the strategies of translating words or expressions typical of the Slovenian coast and hinterland that constitute Pahor’s language, in order to find out whether these cultural elements, which represent a real challenge for translation, have been preserved or lost not only in the indirect translation into French but also in the direct translation into Italian, given the close geographical, linguistic and cultural contacts between Slovenia and Italy.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adriana Mezeg, Anna Maria Grego

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