Can AI be a Poet?
Comparative Analysis of Human-authored and AI-generated Poetry
authors message, Copilot, poem generation, poetry, stylistic devicesAbstract
The article deals with the problem of AI-generated poetry. It aims to investigate the difference between human-authored poems and the ones created by AI. The paper hypothesizes that AI poetic generation abilities are restricted by the algorithms, which influence its creative output. The research procedure included a gradual comparative analysis of the original human-authored poems “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley with the ones created by AI on their basis. The analysis considered seven aspects: title, structure, rhyme and rhythm, grammaticality, vocabulary, meaningfulness, imagery and poeticness. We argue that AI-generated poetic output can easier be unravelled when contrasted to the corresponding human-authored poems. We presume that the online available highlights of literary criticism (author’s message, imagery, narratives) appear to be obligatory components in the AI’s poem creation process. The obtained result can be useful for conducting further research on the generative linguistic and creative abilities of AI, their development and improvement.
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