Kulturelle Selbstverortung und Identitätsfrage: der Krainer Polyhistor Peter von Radics (1836-1912) zwischen zwei Sprachen und Kulturen
identity / cultural history / literary history / Carniola / 19th centuryAbstract
This article focuses on the life and creative path of the Carniolian polymath,many-faceted researcher, historian, German specialist, and theater specialist Peter von Radics (1836-1912), who was born in Postojna (Adelsberg) but did not have Carniolan roots. Based on this case study, the author examines the issues of what characterized an intellectual working in Carniola in the nineteenth century, what his place in society was, and what his understanding of his own identity was. The article also examines the hypothesis that one can speak of at least three identities in the nineteenth-century Slovenian lands - regional, ethnic, and dynastic (Habsburg), sheds light on the conditions that marked Radicsʼ life and work, and seeks to explain why he chose to live in the microcosm of Carniola rather than seeking his fortune as a journalist, researcher, and author in the centerof the monarchy, in Vienna.Downloads
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31. 12. 2013
How to Cite
Žigon, T. (2013). Kulturelle Selbstverortung und Identitätsfrage: der Krainer Polyhistor Peter von Radics (1836-1912) zwischen zwei Sprachen und Kulturen. Acta Neophilologica, 46(1-2), 25-38. https://doi.org/10.4312/an.46.1-2.25-38