Unequal Mobility Regimes and Radical Adult Education in Neoliberal Times


  • Barbara Samaluk University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Educational Sciences, Slovenia
  • Sarah Kunz University of Essex, Department of Sociology, Colchester, United Kingdom



Ključne besede:

radical adult education, critical pedagogy, unequal mobility regimes, migration, neoliberalism


This special issue brings together contributions that explore the contemporary relevance of radical adult education foundations and existing and emerging radical adult education spaces and initiatives, which share an aim to critically examine and mobilise against today’s unequal neoliberal migration and mobility regimes. The contributions focus on initiatives that have radical educational components in the broadest sense, are (co-)developed by migrants, refugees, and other migrantised and minoritized people, and which aim at a progressive intervention in the realities under investigation.


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21. 10. 2022

Kako citirati

Samaluk, B., & Kunz, S. (2022). Unequal Mobility Regimes and Radical Adult Education in Neoliberal Times. Andragoška Spoznanja, 28(2), 17-36. https://doi.org/10.4312/as/11447