Povezanost zdravstvenega absentizma in temperamenta zaposlenih v javni upravi [Correlation between Sickness Absenteeism and Temperament of Employees in the Public Administration]


  • Jernej Buzeti Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za upravo [Universiti of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration]
  • Marjan Bilban Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta [University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine]
  • Janez Stare Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za upravo [Universiti of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration]




zdravstveni absentizem, osebnostne značilnosti, temperament, javna uprava, sickness absenteeism, personality traits, public administration


Vzroki za nastanek zdravstvenega absentizma so številni in med eno od skupin vzrokov uvrščamo tudi skupino dejavnikov, ki so vezani na posameznika oziroma njegove osebnostne lastnosti. Članek se osredotoča na vidik povezanosti zdravstvenega absentizma s temperamentom in predstavlja rezultate raziskave v slovenski javni upravi. Rezultati raziskave (februar 2015) kažejo, da so bili v povprečju najmanj dni začasno odsotni z dela zaposleni, katerih prevladujoči temperament je kolerik (8,6 dni) in flegmatik (8,7 dni), ki jih je sicer tudi največ med zaposlenimi v javni upravi; nekoliko več dni so bili začasno odsotni zaposleni s temperamentom sangvinika (10,8 dni), največ pa melanholiki (15,8 dni). Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave ugotavljamo, da v skupnem številu dni zdravstvenega absentizma statistično značilnih razlik med posameznimi zaposlenimi glede na njihov temperament ne moremo potrditi. Lahko pa potrdimo statistično značilno povezanost v skupnem povprečnem številu pogostosti zdravstvenega absentizma med zaposlenimi glede na njihov temperament.

The causes that lead to sickness absenteeism are numerous. Among the groups of the causes there is a set of factors tied to the individual or his/her personality traits. The article focuses on the aspect of the correlation between sickness absenteeism and temperament and presents the results of the research carried out in the public administration in Slovenia. The results of the research (February 2015) show that on average the employees who were temporarily absent from work for the fewest days were those with dominant temperament choleric (8.6 days) or phlegmatic (8.7 days), who also account for the largest number of employees in the public administration; those with a sanguine temperament were temporarily absent for slightly more days (10.8 days), while melancholics were absent for the largest number of days (15.8 days). On the basis of the results of the research, we find that in the total number of days of sickness absence we are unable to confirm statistically significant differences between individual employees with regard to their temperament. We can, however, confirm a statistically significant correlation in the overall average number of frequencies of sickness absenteeism among employees with regard to their temperament.



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1. 12. 2015




How to Cite

Buzeti, J., Bilban, M., & Stare, J. (2015). Povezanost zdravstvenega absentizma in temperamenta zaposlenih v javni upravi [Correlation between Sickness Absenteeism and Temperament of Employees in the Public Administration]. Central European Public Administration Review, 13(3-4), pp. 27-66. https://doi.org/10.17573/ipar.2015.3-4.02

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