Ekonomski učinki finančnih investicij v promocijo zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju [Economic Impacts of Financial Investments in the Promotion of Health and Well-Being of the Employees in the Workplace]


  • Jernej Buzeti Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za upravo University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration




zdravstveni absentizem, promocija zdravja in dobrega počutja, zaposleni, delovno okolje, finančni učinki, health-related absenteeism, health and well-being promotion, employees, workplace, financial impact


Stanje razmer v organizaciji se lahko zaznava, meri in predstavlja z različnih vidikov – tudi z vidika varnega in zdravega delovnega okolja. Učinki takšnega delovnega okolja se odražajo na zaposlenih oziroma na njihovem zdravju in počutju ter na rezultatih dela. Vloga zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju je pomembna, saj pomeni eno ključnih determinant, ki vplivajo na uspešnost organizacije na eni strani in na drugi strani na prisotnost oziroma odsotnost zaposlenih z dela ter na drugo čustveno dojemanje dela in organizacije zaposlenih. Članek se osredotoča na predstavitev raziskav, projektov oziroma dobrih praks s področja izvajanja promocije zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju, s ciljem predstaviti rezultate raziskav in projektov o donosnosti finančnih investicij v promocijo zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju ter predstaviti dobre prakse s tega področja. Rezultati proučevanja kažejo, da obstajajo številni primeri projektov oziroma programov izvajanja promocije zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju in so finančni učinki vloženih finančnih sredstev v zdravje in dobro počutje zaposlenih dolgoročno donosni. Slednje se odraža zlasti v zmanjšanju števila izgubljenih delovnih dni, kar je neposredno posledica boljšega zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju.

The conditions in an organization can be perceived, measured and represented through various aspects – including the aspect of a safe and healthy workplace. The effects of such workplace reflect in the employees, namely in their health and well-being as well as in their work results. Health and well-being of the employees play an important role in the workplace as they represent one of the key determinants that have an impact on the organization’s performance on the one hand, and the employees’ presence or absence from work, as well as the employees’ acceptance of the work and organization on the other hand. This paper focuses on the presentation of studies, projects and good practices in the field of implementing the promotion of health and well-being of the employees in the workplace with the aim to present the findings of the studies and projects regarding the relevance of financial investments in the promotion of health and well-being of the employees in the workplace and to present good practices in this field. The study results have shown that there are numerous cases of projects and programs designed to implement the promotion of health and well-being of the employees in the workplace and that the financial impacts of the financial resources invested in health and well-being of the employees are relevant in the long term. The latter especially reflects through the aspect of reducing the number of working days lost due to employees’ absence from work which arises directly as a result of improved health and well-being of the employees in the workplace.


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30. 06. 2016




How to Cite

Buzeti, J. (2016). Ekonomski učinki finančnih investicij v promocijo zdravja in dobrega počutja zaposlenih v delovnem okolju [Economic Impacts of Financial Investments in the Promotion of Health and Well-Being of the Employees in the Workplace]. Central European Public Administration Review, 14(2-3), pp. 139–167. https://doi.org/10.17573/ipar.2016.2-3.07