The long and winding road

Object biographies and cultural encounters in the Western Mediterranean during the Late Iron Age


  • Laura Perelló Mateo ArqueoUIB - Research Group on Material Culture and Archaeological Heritage; University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Historical Sciences and Arts Theory, Palma, Spain
  • Bartomeu Llull Estarellas ArqueoUIB - Research Group on Material Culture and Archaeological Heritage; University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Historical Sciences and Arts Theory, Palma, Spain
  • Daniel Albero Santacreu ArqueoUIB - Research Group on Material Culture and Archaeological Heritage; University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Historical Sciences and Arts Theory, Palma, Spain
  • Jaume García Rosselló ArqueoUIB - Research Group on Material Culture and Archaeological Heritage; University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Historical Sciences and Arts Theory, Palma, Spain
  • Manuel Calvo Trias ArqueoUIB - Research Group on Material Culture and Archaeological Heritage; University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Historical Sciences and Arts Theory, Palma, Spain



object biographies, Iron Age, cultural contact, Western Mediterranean, entanglement theory


In this paper we address the biography of a set of copper nails recovered in 1998 from a Late Iron Age structure located at the archaeological site of Puig de Sa Morisca (Mallorca, Spain). The archaeometric and typological analyses conducted on these nails allowed us to relate them to nautical technology, as well as to approach the origin of the raw materials and the production processes involved in their manufacture. The biographical information obtained from these studies has been crucial to address the extensive mobility of these copper nails through the Western Mediterranean during the Iron Age, as well as to approach their fluid nature and association with different communities of practice, assemblages and appropriation phenomena.


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3. 07. 2024




How to Cite

Perelló Mateo, L., Llull Estarellas, B., Albero Santacreu, D., García Rosselló, J., & Calvo Trias, M. (2024). The long and winding road: Object biographies and cultural encounters in the Western Mediterranean during the Late Iron Age. Documenta Praehistorica, 51, 2-23.