Pottery vessels, technological knowledge, and potters at the Early Copper Age site of Polgár-Király-ér-part (Northeastern Hungary)


  • Eszter Solnay Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Doctoral School of Archaeology, France; UMR 8215 Trajectoires, Paris, France
  • Márton Szilágyi Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary




pottery chaîne opératoire, technological analysis, pottery forming, Great Hungarian Plain, Early Copper Age


This paper investigates the long-debated issue of technological knowledge and potters in the Early Copper Age (4500–4000/3900 cal BC) through the analysis of the forming technology of a typical, small-scale settlement at Polgár-Király-ér-part (Northeastern Hungary). A complex technological know- ledge of forming was identified, in which most of the vessel types have their own forming technique. This technological knowledge presumably originated in the local Neolithic. However, a few smaller technological differences nuance this picture, raising the possibility of distinct learning networks and multiple potters at the settlement.


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10. 07. 2024 — Updated on 8. 08. 2024




How to Cite

Solnay, E., & Szilágyi, M. (2024). Pottery vessels, technological knowledge, and potters at the Early Copper Age site of Polgár-Király-ér-part (Northeastern Hungary). Documenta Praehistorica, 51, 2-24. https://doi.org/10.4312/dp.51.13