A multi-embankment Chalcolithic walled enclosure
New insights from the usage of remote sensingin archaeological surveys (Ota, Western Portugal)
archaeological methodology, Chalcolithic walled enclosures, LiDAR analysis, Portuguese Estremadura, remote sensing, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)Abstract
Ota, a key part of the Chalcolithic walled enclosure phenomenon in Portuguese Estremadura, represents a unique settlement strategy within the actual territory of Portugal. The architecture and social dynamics of this site remained largely unexplored until 2019. This study marks a significant shift in its study, utilizing a synergistic approach of archaeology and geotechnologies, embodied in the using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle equipped with LiDAR. This innovative combination successfully penetrated the dense vegetation, revealing 21 previously unknown archaeological features. The results from the fieldwork unveiled a novel type of walled enclosure at Ota, characterized by a series of four embankments. This discovery prompts a re-evaluation of the roles and practices of 3rd millennium BC communities in Portuguese Estremadura. Furthermore, the proven efficacy of this methodology paves the way for its application in similar archaeological contexts. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the recent fieldwork, integrating interpretations from LiDAR data, material studies and 14C dating.
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Copyright (c) 2024 André Texugo, Ana Catarina Basílio, Pedro Pina, Gabriel Goyanes, Gonçalo Vieira
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