Beyond the sum

Evaluating the potential and limitations of analysing Neolithic population dynamics based on fluctuations in radiocarbon dates and sites (Scheldt basin, Northern France and Belgium)


  • Elliot Van Maldegem Ghent University, Department of Archaeology, Belgium
  • Florian Lauryssen KU Leuven, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Belgium
  • Erik Smolders KU Leuven, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Belgium
  • Philippe Crombé Ghent University, Department of Archaeology, Belgium



radiocarbon data, site count data, palaeodemographical dynamics, Neolithic period, Bronze Age


This study presents a multiproxy palaeodemographic perspective by combining radiocarbon dates with counts of archaeological site phases in the western Scheldt basin, spanning from the beginning of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. The results were assessed critically, accounting for differences in research methodology, soil conditions and changes in building traditions. The results indicate a dynamic region characterized by almost continual growth. Moreover, two distinct sub-regions of the basin could be compared, thereby elucidating the sub-regional differences. It is clear that palaeodemographic studies are only feasible when a multiproxy analysis is used on a detailed, highly scrutinized dataset.


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10. 07. 2024




How to Cite

Van Maldegem, E., Lauryssen, F., Smolders, E., & Crombé, P. (2024). Beyond the sum: Evaluating the potential and limitations of analysing Neolithic population dynamics based on fluctuations in radiocarbon dates and sites (Scheldt basin, Northern France and Belgium). Documenta Praehistorica, 51, 2-26.