Global Processes, Regional Dynamics?

Radiocarbon Data as a Proxy for Social Dynamics at the End of the Mesolithic and During the Early Neolithic in the NW of the Mediterranean and Switzerland (c. 6200–4600 cal BC)


  • Héctor Martínez-Grau University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Switzerland
  • Reto Jagher University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Switzerland
  • F. Xavier Oms University of Barcelona, Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archeology, Spain
  • Joan Anton Barceló Autonomous University of Barcelona, Department of Prehistory, Bellaterra, Spain
  • Salvador Pardo-Gordó University of València, Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archeology, Spain
  • Ferran Antolín University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Switzerland



Mesolithic-Neolithic transition, 14C, chrono-geostatistics, Bayesian analysis, GIS


The goal of this paper is to discuss the validity of radiocarbon dates as a source of knowledge for explaining social dynamics over a large region and a long period of time. We have carefully selected c. 1000 14C dates for the time interval 8000–4000 cal BC within the northwestern Mediterranean area (NE Iberian Peninsula, SE France, N Italy) and Switzerland. Using statistical analysis, we have modelled the summed probability distribution of those dates for each of the analysed ecoregion and discussed the rhythms of neolithisation in these regions and the probability of social contact between previous Mesolithic and new Neolithic populations.


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1. 12. 2020




How to Cite

Martínez-Grau, H., Jagher, R., Oms, F. X., Barceló, J. A., Pardo-Gordó, S., & Antolín, F. (2020). Global Processes, Regional Dynamics? Radiocarbon Data as a Proxy for Social Dynamics at the End of the Mesolithic and During the Early Neolithic in the NW of the Mediterranean and Switzerland (c. 6200–4600 cal BC). Documenta Praehistorica, 47, 170-191.