Franciscan Manuscript Books as an Expression of the Artistic Sensibility of their Time

A Comparative Analysis of the Manuscript Ms. Mus. 93 from Novo Mesto


  • Matjaž Barbo University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia



Franciscan manuscript books, church music, eighteenth-century music, Franciscans


The manuscript Ms. mus. 93 from the Franciscan monastery in Novo Mesto contains various works, among which masses predominate. In terms of contents, it complements the repertoire of other manuscripts from the same archive. It is distinguished by the characteristic features of the anonymous repertoire of eighteenth-century manuscript books and is closely connected with some contemporary Franciscan manuscripts.


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Arhivski in objavljeni viri

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Novo mesto, Knjižnica frančiškanskega samostana, Zbirka rokopisov (RISM SI-Nf):

SI-Nf, Ms. mus. 91.

SI-Nf, Ms. mus. 93.

SI-Nf, Ms. mus. 94.

SI-Nf, Ms. mus. 246.

SI-Nf, Ms. mus. 247.

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22. 12. 2023

How to Cite

Barbo, M. (2023). Franciscan Manuscript Books as an Expression of the Artistic Sensibility of their Time: A Comparative Analysis of the Manuscript Ms. Mus. 93 from Novo Mesto. Musicological Annual, 59(1-2), 195-223.