Artistic Decor of Baroque Organs: Johann Frančišek Janeček and His Decoration of Organ Cases


  • Darja Koter Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo



Johann Frančišek Janeček, Ljubljana Cathedral, Ruše, Olimje, Sladka Gora, Čermožiše near Žetale, organ case, musical symbols


The article presents the results of initial research on J. F. Janeček’s organ cases, a baroque organ maker working in Celje, who came from a Czech family of organ builders. The authoress concentrated on five instruments from Slovene churches the cases of which are endowed with musical symbols in the form of putti and angels with instruments as well as with figures of King David with a harp and St Cecilia with an organ. The article answers the question of who were those that commissioned the organ cases, and who made them, taking into account artistic and musical characteristics of individual elements. The findings speak of links with organs in Bohemia due to the common architecture of the casing and the figures and figurines with musical symbols.


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Author Biography

  • Darja Koter, Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo
    Darja KOTER je izredna profesorica in predavateljica za področje zgodovine glasbe na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani. Raziskovalno se ukvarja z inštrumentalno dediščino, glasbeno ikonografijo, zgodovino glasbene peda- gogike in glasbenih društev ter se poglablja v segmente opusov slovenskih skladateljev. Izsledke objavlja v domačih in tujih revijah, zbornikih razprav in monografijah. Od leta 2006 je urednica tematskih publikacij Glasbenopedagoškega zbornika Akademije za glasbo.


1. 06. 2009




How to Cite

Koter, D. (2009). Artistic Decor of Baroque Organs: Johann Frančišek Janeček and His Decoration of Organ Cases. Musicological Annual, 45(1), 45-63.