Convolutions of musical meaning - a sociopsychological note on listening to music


  • Leon Stefanija Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta



social psychology of music, epistemology of music research, functions of music


The main aim of this paper is to indicate the relations between the composer’s and the listener’s level of understanding music. More specifically: do both levels have a common mechanism? An answer to this question is offered after surveying 1) scholarly perspectives dealing with the levels through which music affords meanings, 2) musicological elaborations of musical meaning, and 3) the analysis of three cases from contemporary Slovenian music. The text is directed toward a plea for considering a mutually “compatible” vocabulary of music research.


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Author Biography

  • Leon Stefanija, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta
    Leon STEFANIJA je od leta 1995 zaposlen na Oddelku za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Od leta 2008 je predstojnik oddelka. Glavna področja njegovega raziskovanja in poučevanja so epistemologija raz- iskovanja glasbe, sodobna (predvsem slovenska) glasba in sociologija glasbe. Glasbene publikacije: O novem v glasbi (2001), Metode glasbene analize: zgodovina in teoretski pregled (2004), Sociologija glasbe – učbenik (2009) in Prispevek k analizi glasbenih ustanov v Sloveniji 20. stoletja (2010).


1. 12. 2009




How to Cite

Stefanija, L. (2009). Convolutions of musical meaning - a sociopsychological note on listening to music. Musicological Annual, 45(2), 55-76.