Music Theatre Directing in Slovenia: From Dilettantism of the Dramatic Society to (the Attempts of) Professionalism in the Regional Theatre


  • Darja Koter Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo



Dramatic Society, Regional Theatre, Opera, stage direction, Josip Nolli, Josip Gecelj, Fran Bučar, Ignacij Borštnik, Hinko Nučič, Josip Povhe


The article deals with the development of music stage direction of Slovenian theatre in the time of Dramatic Society and Regional Theatre, by 1914. The author tries to shed some light upon the individuals who significantly contributed to the development of music theatre staging, with reference to particular theatre schools they represented, their professional orientation, and nationality. The author also states the interaction between theatre and music staging.


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Author Biography

  • Darja Koter, Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo
    Darja KOTER je na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani izredna profesorica in predavateljica za področje zgodovine glasbe. Raziskovalno se ukvarja z inštrumentalno dediščino, glasbeno ikonografijo, zgodovino glasbene peda- gogike in glasbenih društev ter se poglablja v segmente opusov slovenskih skladateljev. Izsledke objavlja v domačih in tujih revijah, zbornikih razprav in monografijah. Od leta 2006 je urednica tematskih publikacij Glasbenopedagoškega zbornika Akademije za glasbo.


1. 06. 2010




How to Cite

Koter, D. (2010). Music Theatre Directing in Slovenia: From Dilettantism of the Dramatic Society to (the Attempts of) Professionalism in the Regional Theatre. Musicological Annual, 46(1), 57-72.