Music Textbooks and Instruction Manuals of the “Long” Eighteenth Century in Slovenia


  • Metoda Kokole Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Muzikološki inštitut



writings about music, Slovenian librar- ies and archives, 1650–1800, manuals, manuscript instructional works


In Slovenian libraries and archives 25 titles of printed works on music dating from around 1650 to 1800 as well as five manuscript manuals and numerous manuscript fragments of music theory or exercises were found during a still current project. The prints were classified in three broad groups: speculative theoretical literature and general encyclopaedic works on various aspects of music; textbooks of various kinds on music, manuals on counterpoint and guides to compositional technique and performance; and finally practical manuals, comprising plainchant manuals and methods of singing or instruction on different instruments, especially keyboard, violin and flute.


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Author Biography

  • Metoda Kokole, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Muzikološki inštitut
    Metoda KOKOLE je od leta 1992 dalje raziskovalka na Muzikološkem inštitutu Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Od leta 2002 je tudi vodja nacionalnega odbora RILM za Slovenijo in od leta 2004 predstojnica inštituta. Raziskovalno se ukvarja z glasbeno dediščino sloven- skega prostora v času od 16. do 18. stoletja. Trenutno je vodja temeljnega raziskovalnega projekta Didaktični priročniki in glasbena vzgoja v 18. stoletju, ki ga financira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS.


10. 06. 2011




How to Cite

Kokole, M. (2011). Music Textbooks and Instruction Manuals of the “Long” Eighteenth Century in Slovenia. Musicological Annual, 47(1), 49-74.

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