Zur Problematik von Zusammenhang und Disparität zwischen Orgelrepertoire, Improvisation und Ensemble-Intonation


  • Ibo Ortgies Göteborg Organ Art Center, University of Gothenburg




historical performance practice, temperament, organ repertoire, improvisation, ensemble playing


The relation of organ temperament to almost all areas of musical practice in Northern and Central Germany in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries makes it an indispensable factor in historical performance practice. The issue of organ temperament has either been viewed as part of the general historical development of temperament theory, or has been viewed from the alleged connection with compositions that were considered to be “organ repertoire”, but this has often been seen from a later liturgical or organ concert practice. The relationship between ensemble intonation and organ temperament has been underestimated in modern times and has therefore hardly ever been considered. It seems that the present attitudes and customs within performance practice have in part been obstacles to understanding the relationships among organ playing, compositions, organ temperament and performance practice in Northern and Central Germany in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This article tries to remove some of those obstacles.


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Author Biography

  • Ibo Ortgies, Göteborg Organ Art Center, University of Gothenburg
    Ibo ORTGIES je študiral muzikologijo v Hamburgu in Göteborgu ter doktoriral leta 2004. Njegovo raziskovanje in objave pokrivajo široko paleto tem v zvezi z orglami in glasbo Severne Nemčije in Nizozemske. Zadnja leta se ukvarja z vprašanji uglasitve orgel 17. in 18. stoletja, in to v zvezi z izvajalno prakso v hanzeatskih mestih in pri J. S. Bachu. Njegove raziskave so prispevale nove poglede na glasbo instrumentov s tipkami severnonemškega baroka, s posebnim ozirom na Dietri- cha Buxtehudeja in njegove sodobnike. Ortgies često predava po Evropi in v ZDA. Po ustanovitvi Göteborškega centra za orgelsko umetnost pri Univerzi v Göteborgu leta 1995 je najprej sodeloval kot zunanji orgelski sodelavec in raziskovalec, dokler mu ni bila leta 1999 naklonjena redna zaposlitev.


1. 12. 2011




How to Cite

Ortgies, I. (2011). Zur Problematik von Zusammenhang und Disparität zwischen Orgelrepertoire, Improvisation und Ensemble-Intonation. Musicological Annual, 47(2), 139-152. https://doi.org/10.4312/mz.47.2.139-152