Between the Homeland and the Wider World: Songs for Voice and Piano by Risto Savin


  • Aleš Nagode Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta



nineteenth century, twentieth century, Risto Savin, Slovene song, German Lied, national revival


The article presents a new view on the material linked to Risto Savin’s songs for voice and piano. It draws attention to several songs that have thus far been unaccounted for and uses a range of facts to correct the established chronology of Savin’s songs. The results of this research considerably alter our understanding of Savin’s creativity. His decision to associate himself with the Slovene national movement was not an instant turning point, as has been believed, but rather a result of a long-term response to the intiatives from the cultural environment in which he worked.


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Author Biography

  • Aleš Nagode, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta
    Aleš NAGODE je leta 1991 diplomiral na Oddelku za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 1995 magistriral z disertacijo »Šest latinskih maš Venčeslava Wratnyja« ter leta 1997 tudi doktoriral z disertacijo »Ceci- lijanizem na Slovenskem kot glasbeno, kulturno in družbeno vprašanje«. Od marca do decembra 1992 je bil zaposlen kot organizator pri Slovenskem komornem zboru, od 1993 je bil mladi raziskovalec na Muzikološkem institutu ZRC SAZU, od 1995 asistent, od 1998 pa docent na Oddelku za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete. Od leta 2002 do 2010 je bil član Sveta za humanistiko ARRS, od leta 2004 do 2008 pa predstojnik Oddelka za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. Pri svojem raziskovalnem delu se posveča predvsem vprašanjem slovenske cerkvene glasbe 18. in 19. stoletja.


1. 12. 2012




How to Cite

Nagode, A. (2012). Between the Homeland and the Wider World: Songs for Voice and Piano by Risto Savin. Musicological Annual, 48(2), 79-89.