Approach the People – Music for the People: the interdependence of music and ideology, exemplified in the musical life in Pula from 1926 to 1952


  • Lada Duraković Univerza v Puli, Oddelek za glasbo



music, fascism, communism


The instrumentalization of the musical life by ideology in the period between 1926, i. e. from the introduction of fascist dictatorship, up to 1952, when the period of socialist realism “officially” ended, has left deep traces in the musical life of Pula. Relations between music and politics in Pula became very eccentric, and the external political influence on art was not concealed but, on the contrary, “proudly” emphasized. Both regimes experienced music as an ally, a support to the system and as such guided it, monitored and tried to keep it under control. The article deals with some characteristics of musical life in Pula between 1926 and 1952, trying to draw attention to the particularities and differences in the interaction of music and fascist ideology in the interwar period and socialist realism music and ideology in the years after the World War II.


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Author Biography

  • Lada Duraković, Univerza v Puli, Oddelek za glasbo
    Lada DURAKOVIĆ je diplomirala na Oddelku za muzikologijo ljubljanske Filozofske fakultete, magistrirala leta 2002, doktorirala pa leta 2007 na Filozofski fakulteti v Zagrebu. Zaposlena je na Oddelku za glasbo puljske Univerze. Lada Duraković je avtorica številnih znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov ter dveh knjig Glasbeno življenje Pulja v obdobju fašistične diktature (1926–1943) in Ideologija in glasba: Pula 1945–1966.


1. 06. 2013




How to Cite

Duraković, L. (2013). Approach the People – Music for the People: the interdependence of music and ideology, exemplified in the musical life in Pula from 1926 to 1952. Musicological Annual, 49(1), 119-127.

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