Der slawische Anteil am Bestand des Blasmusikarchives der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz


  • Engelbert Logar Institut für Ethnomusikologie, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz



symphonic music for brass instruments, salon orchestra, the Slavic share, Archive of Sheet Music – University of Graz, Pannonic Research Station


The article examines the Slavic share of sheet music for brass instruments in the archive of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, located in the research station in Oberschützen in the Austrain state of Burgenland. The archive material is comprised of 4805 numbered maps with works and compositions of 2072 different composers – 10,632  formaly  defined works. It is intended for symphonic brass music, salon orchestra, string instruments and chambers ensembles and was collected during the 200 years of the performance practice of the institution. The focal point of the article is the south-Slavic region, although its share is relatively small compared to the Czech, Vienna or Hungarian region.  Discussed are over 200 composers that were mainly working in the time between 1850 and 1940. Over 1500 compositions are in the form of manuscripts. The  analysis  of  the temporal, spatial and formal layering of the material is followed by statistical data of the share of composers form Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Bulgaria; incorporated in the overview is also the share of eastern and western Slavic countries.


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17. 06. 2015




How to Cite

Logar, E. (2015). Der slawische Anteil am Bestand des Blasmusikarchives der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz. Musicological Annual, 51(2), 187-202.