Preludes and Fugues op. 82 by Nikolai Kapustin

Classical or Jazz?


  • Ēvalds Daugulis Daugavpils University, Latvia



classical music, jazz, prelude and fugue


The early 20th century witnessed growing interest in the Baroque polyphony genres: prelude and fugue in jazz. Preludes and fugues op. 82 (1997) by the Russian composer Nikolai Kapustin are particularly interesting. The way he integrates the expression of classical music and the specificity of jazz music is very original.


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30. 06. 2020




How to Cite

Daugulis, Ēvalds. (2020). Preludes and Fugues op. 82 by Nikolai Kapustin: Classical or Jazz?. Musicological Annual, 56(1), 133-147.