First record of Violet Dropwing Trithemis annulata (Palisot de Beauvois, 1807) (Odonata: Libellulidae) in Slovenia
dragonfly, Violet Dropwing, Trithemis annulata, first record, Slovenia, Vipava Valley, Lake Vogršček, climate change, Biological Students Research CampAbstract
One adult male dragonfly Violet Dropwing Trithemis annulata was recorded at Lake Vogršček in the Vipava Valley (W Slovenia) during the Biological Students Research Camp – Otlica 2021. This first record for the country is presented and the species’ distribution in Europe outlined. Behavioural observations and data on the accompanying Odonata fauna are included. This widespread Afrotropical species has rapidly expanded its range in south and south-western Europe in the recent two decades, with global warming apparently being the main driver of this expansion. Hence, 73 Odonata species belonging to 29 genera and nine families are now reported for Slovenia. Trithemis is the seventh genus to be added to the family Libellulidae for the country. The discovery of
T. annulata in the Vipava Valley in Slovenia is significant for the fact of being the northernmost observation on the Balkan Peninsula to date.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Damjan Vinko, Ali Šalamun
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