Estimation of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758 population size on the Krka River with its tributaries in 2017
Castor fiber, Rodentia, Castoridae, population size, Krka River, SloveniaAbstract
After the Eurasian beaver’s return to Slovenia in 1998, followed by its fast expansion, data on species distribution and abundance are lacking. In the period from February 2017 to May 2017, we examined the entire course of the Krka River with its tributaries and recorded the sites of beaver colonies. The numbers and positions of discovered sites show that the number of beavers on the Krka River increased. The riparian vegetation with large trees of small diameter and a rich layer of herbaceous vegetation are the key factors determining beaver’s presence. In our study, we discovered also some small beaver dams that enable colonization of smaller watercourses. Based on a total of 56 beaver colonies, we estimated that the 2017 beaver population size on the Krka River with its tributaries amounts to 168–392 animals.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Klemen Juršič, Klavdija Zupančič, Janko Šet, Katja Mazinjanin
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