First confirmation of tricolor grasshopper Paracinema tricolor (Thunberg, 1815) occuring in Slovenia (Orthoptera: Acrididae)


  • Matjaž Bedjanič Rakovlje 42a, SI-3314 Braslovče



grasshoppers, Paracinema tricolor, distribution, Slovenia, Škocjanski zatok, coastal wetlands


Putative presence of tricolor grasshopper in Slovenia is confirmed unambiguously for the first time, based on an observation of a single male on 7. 9. 2013 in Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve near Koper, western Slovenia. Based on literature, the historical and recent data on distribution of the species in eastern Italy as well as southerly in Istria, Kvarner Bay and northern Dalmatia are outlined. Further field research is needed to evaluate the size, viability and threat status of the eventual species' population in Slovenia.


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Short Communication

How to Cite

Bedjanič, M. (2017). First confirmation of tricolor grasshopper Paracinema tricolor (Thunberg, 1815) occuring in Slovenia (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Natura Sloveniae, 19(2), 47-54.

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