Contribution to the knowledge of ichthyofauna of the Ljubljanica river tributaries: the Podlipščica, the Gradaščica and the Horjulščica
freshwater fishes, lampreys, species composition, the Ljubljanica river Basin, SloveniaAbstract
In 2013, fish and lamprey species were sampled in the tributaries of the Ljubljanica river, i.e. the Podlipščica, the Gradaščica and the Horjulščica, to determine the species composition and weight of fish. In the Podlipščica we recorded 13 species, the weight of fish was 329.14 kg/ha and 10,450 N/ha. In the Gradaščica we recorded 16 species, the weight of fish was 180.82 kg/ha and 2,840 N/ha, while in the Horjulščica we recorded 18 species, the weight of fish was 756.94 kg/ha and 9,238 N/ha.
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