Searching for the black Proteus with the help of eDNA


  • Špela Gorički Tular Cave Laboratory, Society for Cave Biology, Oldhamska cesta 8A, SI-4000 Kranj
  • David Stanković Tular Cave Laboratory, Society for Cave Biology, Oldhamska cesta 8A, SI-4000 Kranj
  • Magdalena Aljančič Tular Cave Laboratory, Society for Cave Biology, Oldhamska cesta 8A, SI-4000 Kranj
  • Aleš Snoj Department of Animal Science, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale
  • Matjaž Kuntner Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
  • Tajda Gredar Tular Cave Laboratory, Society for Cave Biology, Oldhamska cesta 8A, SI-4000 Kranj
  • Luka Vodnik Tular Cave Laboratory, Society for Cave Biology, Oldhamska cesta 8A, SI-4000 Kranj
  • Gregor Aljančič Tular Cave Laboratory, Society for Cave Biology, Oldhamska cesta 8A, SI-4000 Kranj







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How to Cite

Gorički, Špela, Stanković, D., Aljančič, M., Snoj, A., Kuntner, M., Gredar, T., Vodnik, L., & Aljančič, G. (2016). Searching for the black Proteus with the help of eDNA. Natura Sloveniae, 18(1), 57-58.

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