Descriptions of first records of Myotis alcathoe in Slovenia


  • Primož Presetnik Center za kartografijo favne in flore, Antoličičeva 1, SI-2204 Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Slovenija



Myotis alcathoe, morphology, forest, Kočevski rog, Slovenia


We present first observations of Myotis alcathoe in Slovenia. A male and two females of this species were mistnetted at a pond surrounded by an old full-grown beech-fir forest near Rdeči kamen (Kočevski rog), where other 16 bat species were found as well. Myotis alcathoe is the 30th bat species in Slovenia, and we assume that it inhabits other similar old broadleaf forests as well, which could be confirmed by further fieldwork coupled with genetic testing.


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Scientific paper

How to Cite

Presetnik, P. (2012). Descriptions of first records of Myotis alcathoe in Slovenia. Natura Sloveniae, 14(1), 5-13.

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