New records of stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in Slovenia (Crustacea: Decapoda)
freshwater crayfish, faunistics, Habitats DirectiveAbstract
During 2000-2004, the species has been recorded at 22 localities in the northern, north-eastern and south-eastern parts of Slovenia. The records are briefly discussed from ecological and nature conservationist points of view. In the light of »priority species« status according to the Habitats Directive, the need for a further research into stone crayfish biology and estimation of its populations size and dynamics in Slovenia is pointed out. In the official Slovene proposals of potential Sites of Community Importance (pSCI) according to the Habitats Directive, the habitats of this species are insufficiently represented.
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Direktiva o habitatih - Direktiva o ohranjanju naravnih habitatov ter prosto živečih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst (FFH Directive - The Council Directive 92/43 EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and on Wild Fauna and Flora, Off. Journal of the EC, No.L.206/7)
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