Amaranthus tamariscinus Nutt. (Amaranthaceae): taxonomical notes on the species and its presence in Italy


  • Duilio Iamonico Via dei Colli Albani 170, IT-00179 Roma



pigments, HPLC, phytoplankton, Adriatic Sea, mucilage, fish farm, sewage outlets


Based on a historical-nomenclatural study and examination of type material and Italian specimens, Amaranthus tamariscinus Nutt. is to be considered a casual alien species for Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Italy. The identity of the species is also discussed.


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Scientific paper

How to Cite

Iamonico, D. (2010). Amaranthus tamariscinus Nutt. (Amaranthaceae): taxonomical notes on the species and its presence in Italy. Natura Sloveniae, 12(1), 25-33.