Terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea) in the Upper Mežica valley
fauna, survey, terrestrial isopods, Upper Mežica ValleyAbstract
The distribution of terrestrial isopods in many parts of Slovenia is still poorly documented. This article is a contribution to the knowledge of the terrestrial isopod fauna in the Upper Mežica Valley, which is known for its long mining tradition. Isopods were collected from April to October 2022 by hand from 49 localities in the wider area of two towns – Žerjav and Črna na Koroškem in the area of Podpeca, the area above the Bistra Valley, and in the areas Spodnje Javorje and Javorje. Twelve different taxa of terrestrial isopods were determined, eleven of them to the species level. The most frequently found isopod was Trachelipus ratzeburgii as the researched area is mainly forest covered. However, the highest diversity of species was recorded in urban and semiurban areas. Oniscus asellus was found in the town Črna na Koroškem, which is probably the second documented location of
O. asellus in Slovenia.
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