Considerations regarding the conditional value in European Portuguese and Slovenian with possible challenges in the area of translation
tense and mode, conditional value, constructions, European Portuguese, SlovenianAbstract
The initial chapters of the study emphasize the issue of the conditional as a mode and tense in European Portuguese (EP) and Slovenian. Furthermore, the study reveals some considerations regarding the conditional value and grammatical constructions that are used in the two languages to fulfil this modal value. The study aims to present the contexts and values of the conditional and to exemplify the variety and complexity of grammatical constructions through a contrastive analysis. This contribution can also be relevant for future research in the area of translation, as it raises possible questions and challenges that may arise during the translation from one language to another. Further research that conducts a contrastive analysis between European Portuguese and Slovenian would be of great importance for the promotion of this fresh field of studies in the Slovenian academic environment.
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