The concept of ‘time’ in Spanish and Serbian phraseology


  • Andjelka Pejović
  • Aneta Trivić



time, phraseology, idiom, metaphor, Spanish, Serbian


The fact that Spanish and Serbian belong to different linguistic families(within the larger Indo-European family), and that their respective cultures also differ considerably, underlying this analysis of phraseological units (idioms, in particular) referring to the concept of “time”, a universal phenomenon presenting a variety of facets that can be analyzed from many different points of view. Our investigation is based on a corpus of some 350 idioms selected from different lexicographical sources (phraseological as well as general). We examine these idioms from a lexical-semantic perspective, always using a contrastive-analysis method, and we investigate the mechanism these two languages use when creating temporal idioms. We establish a general taxonomy of these expressions, classifying them in six groups according to their meaning: temporal relations, frequency, duration, temporal limits, rapidity, and temporal segments. Besides these groups with strictly temporal meaning, we distinguish one particular group consisted of temporal idioms displayed through the perspective of human life. At the beginning of our investigation we expected to encounter more differences when comparing their temporal idioms due to typological differences between the languages we examined. However, our study demonstrated that partial equivalents are predominant, in that they show many common features: temporal fixed expressions in either language do not present high level of idiomaticity (most of them are adverbial idioms) and they oft en use lexemes with temporal meaning. Additionally, it also demonstrated that both languages use lexemes from the same semantic fields (names of fruits, names of animals) but to express different temporal relations. The differences increase when comparing substantive, adjectival and verbal idioms, because they reveal a higher level of idiomaticity.


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Author Biographies

  • Andjelka Pejović

    Andjelka Pejović trabaja como profesora titular en el Departamento de Hispanística de la Facultad de Filología y Artes, Universidad de Kragujevac. Es autora de la monografía La colocabilidad de los verbos en español con ejemplos contrastivos en serbio (2010) y coautora del Manual de traducción (españolserbio/ serbio-español) con especial atención a la lexicología (2006). Ha publicado numerosos trabajos, principalmente en el ámbito de la fraseología y la lingüística aplicada. Participa en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Es socia de las siguientes asociaciones: AESLA (Asociación Española de
    Lingüística Aplicada), EUROPHRAS (European Society for Phraseology) y RRH (Red Regional de Hispanistas de Hungría, Rumanía y Serbia). 

  • Aneta Trivić

    Aneta Trivić trabaja como lectora de lengua española en el Departamento de Hispanística de la Facultad de Filología y Artes, Universidad de Kragujevac. Está escribiendo su tesis doctoral «Análisis léxico-semántico de fraseologismos
    somáticos en español y serbio contemporáneo: estudio contrastivo» en la misma facultad. Ha participado en diferentes congresos y seminarios científi cos en la región, dedicados a investigaciones de didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras, lingüística general y lingüística española. Sus áreas de interés son la fraseología española, la fraseología serbia y la semántica.



31. 12. 2012




How to Cite

Pejović, A., & Trivić, A. (2012). The concept of ‘time’ in Spanish and Serbian phraseology. Verba Hispanica, 20(1), 261-277.

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