n searching of lost footsteps: two readers of Don Quijote from the 19th century


  • Barbara Pregelj University of Nova Gorica




Don Quijote, translations into Slovenian, Silverio de Baguer, Fran Zakrajšek, Goriški letnik, bibliophile, mediator


The article presents the results of a preliminary research on Fran Zakrajšek (1835–1903) and Silverio de Baguer (1838–1927), contextualizing them within the framework of the Slovene literary history. Contemporaries and both residents of Gorizia who moved in different cultural and national circles, they nevertheless had a common interest: Cervantes’s Quijote. The oldest edition of Don Quixote in Castilian currently present in Slovenia is located in the library of France Bevk in Nova Gorica and dates from 1671. The library acquired it in 1955 and recently we have know that the book was a part of the Silverio de Baguer museum in Dobrovo (Dobra). The first translation of Don Quixote is the work of Fran Zakrajšek and was published in Goriški letnik (Yearbook of Gorizia) in 1864, also in Gorizia.


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Author Biography

  • Barbara Pregelj, University of Nova Gorica
    Barbara Pregelj es doctora en Literatura y Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Nova Gorica. Su ámbito de investigación comprende sobre todo interpretación y distintos aspectos de la recepción de la literatura española en Eslovenia, la traductología y la literatura infantil. Organizó varios simposios y visitas de escritores españoles a Eslovenia y de eslovenos a España. Ha publicado cinco libros, es autora de más de una veintena de capítulos en libros y más de veinte artículos en revistas de ámbito nacional e internacional.



8. 12. 2017




How to Cite

Pregelj, B. (2017). n searching of lost footsteps: two readers of Don Quijote from the 19th century. Verba Hispanica, 25(1), 241-252. https://doi.org/10.4312/vh.25.1.241-252