The Reception of Giorgio Bassani’s Works in Slovenia


  • Irena Prosenc University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia



Giorgio Bassani, reception, translations into Slovene


The article examines the reception of Giorgio Bassani’s works in Slovenia. The current state of translations of Bassani’s works into Slovene is characteristic of the availability of Slovene editions of Italian authors, which often seems desultory despite the relatively high number of literary translations from Italian published after World War II. In the past, the translations were typically published later than the original texts and without a global strategy. This situation partly persists to the present day: whilst the translations of some authors are sufficiently present, others continue to be absent, which is probably due to the limitations of the Slovene book market. As few as three of Bassani’s texts have been translated into Slovene, namely the novel Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini (1978), translated by Stabej, excerpts from the short story Una lapide in via Mazzini (1994), translated by Ožbot, and a selection of poems from In rima e senza (2008), translated by Dekleva. Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini, the only text to have been translated in an unabridged version, was also the subject of linguistic research by Miklič and Premrl. Whilst no doubt interesting for specialists, the results of their research most likely did not reach a wider public. Even though the translation of Bassani’s novel was followed by the release of the film adaptation, whilst the poetry collection received critical acclaim, Bassani remains a relatively little-known author in Slovenia to this day. Moreover, as many as thirteen years have passed since the publication of the last translation.


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27. 12. 2021




How to Cite

Prosenc, I. (2021). The Reception of Giorgio Bassani’s Works in Slovenia. Journal for Foreign Languages, 13(1), 309-316.

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