Productivity of Loan Prefixes in Compound Nouns and Adjectives in Slovenian
theory of lexemic word formation, loan prefixes, noun, adjective, productivityAbstract
The operations of word formation in traditional Slovenian grammar are analysed within the framework of morphematic word formation model. As part of the composition of nouns and adjectives, Toporišič (2000: 194-195, 200-201) lists the following loan prefixes: a, ante, anti, eks, ekstra, hiper, hipo, infra, inter, intra, ko, kontra, meta, sin, sub, super, supra, trans, ultra.
Within the lexemic word formation, the unity is a lexeme. In the paper, the operations of word formation are analysed within the theory of lexemic word formation, particularly with regard to their productivity, based on the data of the monolingual corpus FidaPlus between 2004 and 2006 and Gigafida2.0. The research, carried out between 2004 and 2006 revealed only one productive prefix, anti, whereas recent research showed that in addition to anti, the prefixes kontra, eks, ekstra, and super can function as productive, used with both foreign lexemes and with authentic bases as neologisms. The domestic bases can be proper names (antijanša, kontrajelinčič) or composed adjectives and nouns with original Slovene base (ekstralahek, ekspolicaj), and the productivity of the prefixes can be seen also in oppositions like hipo- in hiperbarična terapija (hypo- and hyperbaric therapy). For all other prefixes, the research points out that their composition in Slovene is more or less a matter of appearance and that they should be dealt as loan words.
The two analyses, that have more than ten years between them, show that we can see the growing productivity of the prefixes. If in the first analysis only anti has shown productivity, the second analysis points out that kontra, eks, ekstra, super are also productive. The words that first appeared as neologisms are now a part of everyday language use.
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