Risks and Opportunities of Planning German Lessons Using the Language Model ChatGPT


  • Andreja Retelj University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia




lesson plan, ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, pre-service teachers, German as a foreign language


In this paper, we present an analysis of the lesson plans generated by the AI chatbot ChatGPT and try to find out what kind of information such lesson plans can provide for (future) teachers of German.

We find that the lesson plans provided by ChatGPT resemble common examples of a learning plan as we know them from practice. ChatGPT suggests both the structural and the procedural parts of a didactic unit. While the structural part lacks some elements, we are nevertheless satisfied with the results; however, some problematic points arise in the procedural part of the generated preparations. The activities proposed to achieve a specific learning goal are often not sufficiently learner-centred and learner-focused. The learner is involved in the learning process, but their role is mainly limited to practice without being actively involved in decision-making. The teacher is the primary transmitter of knowledge. There is very little evidence of learning by discovering, research-based, or problem-based approaches. In terms of content, the lesson plans are completely empty and give no indication of what specific content should be covered in a particular lesson. ChatGPT does not take into account the differences between CEFR levels with sufficient precision when creating lesson plans. In terms of terminology, ChatGPT creates significant confusion by completely misusing some of the established terms from the field of didactics and foreign language didactics, confusing some of them, or occasionally using terms that are inappropriate in Slovenian.

Despite the many shortcomings we found, this tool can help pre-service teachers to implement some of the didactic-methodological principles of modern foreign language teaching, as there are also good examples of activities that promote interaction, automation, and evaluation. However, in order for pre-service teachers of German to be able to exploit the dangers and certain potentials of ChatGPT, it is essential to provide them with the opportunity to critically evaluate ChatGPT products in the light of various theories during their studies.


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12. 12. 2023




How to Cite

Retelj, A. (2023). Risks and Opportunities of Planning German Lessons Using the Language Model ChatGPT. Journal for Foreign Languages, 15(1), 259-275. https://doi.org/10.4312/vestnik.15.259-275

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