The impact of the period of sowing and fertilization on morphological characteristics and seed yield of garden poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)
garden poppy, Papaver somniferum, sowing date, fertilizing, morphological properties, seed yieldAbstract
Garden poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is a traditional crop that had already been cultivated in Slovenia in the past for the production of seed and oil. During its re-introduction in present time, numerous agro-technical dilemmas have been raised for the processes from sowing to harvesting and have to be studied in our present growing conditions. On the fields of the Ograjšek farm in Cerklje ob Krki two field experiments in complete randomized design had been sown in 2013 and 2014 to establish the influence of the sowing date and fertilization on morphological properties and crop yield of garden poppy seed of the Austrian variety 'Zeno 2002'. Results have shown that the average yield of seed in both trials (1643 kg/ha) is more than one time higher than the average crop yield recorded globally (700 kg/ha), proving how suitable growing conditions in the area of eastern Dolenjska are for the cultivation of poppy. Analysis of crop yield per plot showed there is no statistically significant interaction between the considered factors. The yield of poppy seed in the spring sowing term was 1742±77 kg/ha and in the autumn sowing was 1545±122 kg/ha. The difference is not statistically significant (p = 0.1845). Recorded yield per plant was higher for the autumn term but that was not transferred to the total crop yield due to poor overwintering and consequentially lower plant density at the time of harvest. Both sowing dates have confirmed that exposure to light and duration of growing period had an important impact on plants height – average height of plants sown in autumn was 139±1 cm, which is more than 60 cm higher than the average height of the plants sown in spring (p = 0.0000). A strong statistical dependence of the yield of seed per capsule on diameter of the capsule was proved (p = 0.0000). It can be concluded that when the capsule diameter increases by 10 mm, the seed yield increases for 2.1 g to 2.3 g with 95 % confidence. Dependence of the average seed yield on the number of lateral shoots per plant also proved to be statistically significant (p = 0.0000). Linear model was used for the comparison of the four lines showed that the lines representing poppy sown in autumn and spring are statistically different for the control and for the ENTEC; the slope was higher for the poppy sown in autumn. These trials have given the first practical advice for production of garden poppy in Slovenia and should be continued for further useful results.References
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Copyright (c) 2016 Simon Ograjšek, Darja Kocjan Ačko, Damijana Kastelec

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