The use of the model for determining potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber distribution in the soil


  • Jošt Potrpin
  • Uroš Benec Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije; Hacquetova 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
  • Rajko Bernik Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
  • Bojan Gospodarič Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija



potato, potato tubers, distribution in the soil, mathematical model, ridge


The paper focuses on the testing of a model for determining the distribution of potato tubers in the soil. Analytical testing of the model was performed at the laboratory of the Biotechnological Faculty (University in Ljubljana) in 2015 and in the same year, the model was tested in practice on a field owned by the company Zeleni Hit d.o.o. in Ljubljana. After the laboratory testing, the results were analyzed and additional steps were taken to expedite field measurements. To optimize the determination of the distribution of potato tubers in the soil, the program was upgraded to include three-dimensional data acquisition. This allows accurate determination of the horizontal, vertical and longitudinal spans of the distribution of tubers in the soil. Specifically, the program calculates the shape of the tubers, vertical cover of tubers with soil and their minimum distance from the left and right edges of the ridge. The program also locates the center of the tubers, which is a key parameter (along with tuber mass) for determining the area of the tuber cluster. The laboratory testing of the model revealed successful data processing of the program and adequate precision analytics. The testing of the model in the field on Arizona potato variety revealed that the model includes all the data necessary for further processing. Based on the calculated data, it can be assumed with great certainty that the model enables the acquisition of all necessary data and accurately determines the distribution of potato tubers in the soil, ideal shape of the ridge and the minimum necessary depth and distance for the planting of Arizona seed potatoes.


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26. 09. 2017



Agronomy section

How to Cite

Potrpin, J., Benec, U., Bernik, R., & Gospodarič, B. (2017). The use of the model for determining potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber distribution in the soil. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 109(2), 425–433.

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