The role of far-red light (FR) in photomorphogenesis and its use in greenhouse plant production
far-red light, greenhouse, LEDs, light quality, photomorphogenesis, R, FR ratioAbstract
Light energy is one of the most important factors regulating the growth and development of plants. In greenhouses and other controlled- environments in which the natural radiation intensities are often low, plant production relies on supplementary lighting to optimize the photosynthesis, increase production levels, and enable year-round production. For a long time, the research related to artificial lighting sources focused on the optimization of the efficiency of use for photosynthesis. The quality of light in plant production has been widely addressed only recently with the development of advanced LED technology that is energy efficient and enables the control of the spectral composition of light. Red and far-red light are sensed by the phytochromes that trigger several morphological and developmental processes that impact productivity and yield quality. Thus, to efficiently exploit all the advantages of LEDs and to develop LED arrays for specific plant applications, it is essential to understand thoroughly how light quality influences plant growth and development. This paper presents an overview of the recent developments in light quality manipulation, focusing on far-red light and the R: FR ratio, to improve yield and quality of products and to manage plant architecture and flowering in vegetable and ornamental horticulture.
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