Comperative study of aboveground biomass and carbon storage between Tembawang and conventional rubber agroforestry in West Kalimantan Indonesia
carbon storage, Dayak’s tribe, ethnoecology, plantation, TembawangAbstract
In the era of intensive oil palm and rubber plantations in Kalimantan, some local communities of Dayak's tribe in West Kalimantan preserved the traditional agroforestry system "Tembawang". In the last two decades, rubber has been planted traditionally by local communities since the expansion of rubber industries. This study aimed to compare tree above ground biomass (AGB) distribution and carbon storage in different DBH (diameter at breast height) classes between Tembawang and conventional rubber plantation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Vegetation transect analysis was carried out on two types of traditional agroforestry namely Tembawang and conventional rubber. AGB estimation was based on the existing allometric, carbon storage was estimated from the percentage of biomass. Total AGB of Tembawang was higher than conventional rubber plantation and significantly different (p < 0.01). The highest AGB accumulation both Tembawang and conventional rubber was found at above 50 cm diameter class. The aboveground carbon storage from Tembawang and conventional rubber plantation were 90.26 and 42.01 Mg C ha-1, respectively. The highest contribution to carbon storage was found at above 50 cm diameter class, estimated 62.58 % from Tembawang and 49.24 % from conventional rubber. AGB and carbon storage at traditional agroforestry in West Kalimantan were greater than varied different agroforestry system, also the estimated value was closed to tropical secondary forests. Tembawang agroforestry has good potential contribution to carbon storage and conservation of native fruit trees of Kalimantan.
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