Evaluation of biochemical treatments applied in polluted soils irrigated with low quality water for long periods of time through the CO2 efflux
soil, low quality water, bioremediation, potential toxic elements, soil indigenous microbial Activities, modified clay mineralsAbstract
To sightsee the bearings of the certain remediation amendments, usually applied in the bioremediation of soils irrigated with low quality water for extended periods on the indigenous microbial population, a greenhouse experiment was conducted at National Research Centre (NRC) where the soil ecosystem was supplied with varied mineral remediation amendments and the carbon dioxide (CO2) refluxes were followed up. In this study, microbial activity through CO2 efflux was taken as an indicator to evaluate the effectiveness of eight soil amendments in minimizing the hazards of inorganic pollutants in soil ecosystem irrigated with low quality water s for more than 40 years. Results showed that Ni and Zn were the most dominant contaminants that adversely influenced indigenous microbial activities in untreated soil, while Cu was the most persuasive. All trailed remediation amendments significantly minimized the hazards of inorganic pollutants in treated soil ecosystems. In addition, modified bentonite (Probentonite) was the best persuasive one. Mechanisms take place between trailed remediation amendments and inorganic pollutants in the studied soil ecosystems were discussed. In conclusion application of certain raw or modified clay minerals especially Probentonite could be a good tool in decreasing the rate of the studied inorganic pollutants in a contaminated soil ecosystem irrigated with low quality water for extended periods.
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