Production and bromatological analysis of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P.Kumm.) grown with cocoa, banana, coconut and African palm husk substrates


  • Jocelyn Daniela LINDAO-PÉREZ Instituto Superior Tecnológico “Ciudad de Valencia” – Tecnología en Producción Agrícola y Tecnología en Procesamiento de Alimentos - Quevedo (Los Ríos), Ecuador
  • Alex Jacinto Roca CEDEÑO Carrera de Pecuaria, Escuela Superior Agropecuaria de Manabí, Manuel. Félix López (ESPAM-MFL), Sitio El Limón, Calcetas, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Ronald Oswaldo VILLAMAR-TORRES Instituto Superior Tecnológico “Ciudad de Valencia” – Tecnología en Producción Agrícola y Tecnología en Procesamiento de Alimentos - Quevedo (Los Ríos) Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Av. Quito, Quevedo, Los Ríos, Ecuador
  • Aurelio David ZAPATIER SANTILLÁN Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Av. Quito, Quevedo, Los Ríos, Ecuador
  • Helen Alisson MERA-PÉREZ Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Av. Quito, Quevedo, Los Ríos, Ecuador
  • Seyed Mehdi JAZAYERI National University of Colombia, Colombia



lignocellulosic compounds, PDA, protein, waste material, fruiting body


Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P.Kumm. (1871) is a rich food source. It is cultivated on compost and plant waste material. Choosing adequate substrate is essential for oyster production as the substrate can change oyster production in terms of mass and metabolite composition. The different medium substrates for oyster production including T1 (PDA, potato-dextrose-agar), T2 (CCA: PDA + Cocoa Shell), T3 (APR: PDA + African Palm Rachis), T4 (BP: PDA + Banana Peel), T5 (CCO: PDA + Coconut Peel) were used. Based on mycelial diameter, CCO treatment was the best treatment with growth measures of 66.83 mm at 168 hours. CCA treatment with 164.13 g kg-1 yield had the highest production that was significantly different from other treatments. For APR treatment, trace production was observed. The bromatological analysis determined that the highest levels of crude total protein were obtained in CCO treatment (30.08 %) while CCA treatment exceeded significantly dry matter (94.05 %), ethereal extract (6.52 %), crude fiber (12.34 %), non-nitrogen matter (56.15 %) and titratable acidity (3.32 %). The substrates with more lignocellulosic compounds like banana and coconut residues are better for producing oyster with a higher percentage of total protein, while substrates that retain moisture like cocoa residues lead to an excellent production. It is recommended to keep fibrous residues moist constantly when they are used in oyster production because of their low absorbent capacity as they quickly lose moisture.


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4. 04. 2022



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

LINDAO-PÉREZ, J. D., CEDEÑO, A. J. R., VILLAMAR-TORRES, R. O., ZAPATIER SANTILLÁN, A. D., MERA-PÉREZ, H. A., & JAZAYERI, S. M. (2022). Production and bromatological analysis of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P.Kumm.) grown with cocoa, banana, coconut and African palm husk substrates. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 118(1), 1–8.