The usage of beneficial insects as a biological control measure in large-scale farming - a case study review on Trichogramma spp.
beneficial insects, biological control, Trichogramma spp., large-scale crops, IPMAbstract
Large scale crops like maize, soybean, wheat and rice have changed the ecosystems worldwide, causing a major impact on global agricultural diversity. Intensive farming includes wide range of synthetic substances which are very often applied irrationally and excessively. Given the prevalence of large-scale farming in world agriculture, it is necessary to begin the transition from conventional crop protection to integrated pest management (IPM) in these agroecosystems. One of the most important components of IPM are biological control measures with augmentative release of commercially available species of the genus Trichogramma Westwood, 1833 (Hymentoptera: Trichogrammatidae) as potentially successful and environmentally friendly methods. Besides Trichogramma, many other beneficial organisms are constantly being tested as potential biocontrol agents such as Chrysopa spp. (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and Orius spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). Minimizing the use of chemicals and replacing them with biological plant protection is fully in line with the agriculture development strategy and confirmed to be achievable in practice. It is especially important to apply such tactical decisions in the production of large-scale crops, which, at the same time, represent the biggest polluters of the environment as well.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Aleksandar IVEZIĆ, Branislav TRUDIĆ, Gordon DRAŠKIĆ
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