The effect of some additives on the rheology of dough and quality of bread


  • Xhabir ABDULLAHI Department of Food Technology, University of Tetova, Tetovo, North Macedonia
  • Gafur XHABIRI Department of Food Technology, University of Tetova, Tetovo, North Macedonia
  • Erhan SULEJMANI Department of Food Technology, University of Tetova, Tetovo, North Macedonia
  • Faton SELIMI Department of Food Technology, University of Tetova, Tetovo, North Macedonia



additives, wheat flour, rheological characteristics, specific volume of bread


The technology of production of baking products today can not be imagined without the use of food additives. In this research it was aimed to investigate the use of some additives in wheat flour type 500 for bread production. The formulations and additives used in this study are: without additives for M0, emulsifiers (E 472e) for M1, calcium phosphate (E341 ii) for M2, L-ascorbic acid (E300) for M3 and Damil additive complex (antifouling E170 - 0.06 %; emulsifier E472e -0.08 %; antioxidant E300 -0.01 %; fungal a-amylase - 0.01 %) for M4 formulation. The results showed that the use of additives positively affects some rheological qualities such as water absorption capacity, stability and energy of the dough. M4 bread had a higher specific volume than all breads with 5.14 cm 3 g-1, while M1 and M3 breads were similar. From the total points accumulated for the sensory qualities the M4 bread with a total of 88.8 points accumulated had the best qualities with volume, external appearance and very good crust and crumb taste. It is therefore recommended to use the Damil additive complex in bread production.


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8. 07. 2022



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

ABDULLAHI, X., XHABIRI, G., SULEJMANI, E., & SELIMI, F. (2022). The effect of some additives on the rheology of dough and quality of bread. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 118(2), 1–7.