The quality of lunches and dinners in the dormitory in Ljubljana
adolescent nutrition, dormitory, energy value, nutritional value, sensory acceptability, online tool OPKPAbstract
Due to intensive growth and numerous physiological changes durning adolescence a healthy diet is essential. Meals in dormitories must be planned in accordance with the Guidelines for Healthy Eating in Educational Institutions (Guidelines). The purpose of the research was to determine the energy and nutritional value of lunches and dinners in the dormitory in Ljubljana and to assess their compliance with the Guidelines. We weighed each ingredient of the meal and determined the energy and macronutrient content using the Open Platform for Clinical Nutrition. The students assessed the sensory acceptability of the meals using a 9-point hedonic scale. The average energy values of the lunches were in the line with the recommendations for energy intake for girls and lower than recommended for the boys. The average energy value of dinners was too high for girls in all three weeks and too low for boys in first week, but in the line in the last two weeks. The values of energy consumed with proteins in lunches were higher than recommended. The values of energy consumed with carbohydrates in lunches and dinners were lower than recommended. The intake of energy with fats was higher than recommended in lunches of the second week and in all three weeks‘ dinners. On average, lunches and dinners contained a sufficient amount of dietary fibre. The average hedonic score was 6.5 ± 1.9 for the lunches and 6.6 ± 1.9 for the dinners.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mojca KOROŠEC, Erika JESENKO, Tanja PAJK ŽONTAR
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