Food dislikes among Slovenian schoolchildren


  • Gregor TORKAR Tacenska cesta 135 a, SI-1133 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Maja KOROŠEC Ljubljanska 80 a, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia
  • Stojan KOSTANJEVEC Univ. of Ljubljana, Fac. of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Alenka POLAK Univ. of Ljubljana, Fac. of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



human nutrition, primary school children, food dislikes, eating habits, Slovenia


The article presents analysis of reasons for food dislikes among Slovenian primary schoolchildren aged 10 to 15, by gender, age and permanent residence. Altogether 628 primary school children from 16 randomly chosen schools in Slovenia filled the questionnaire. We found out that the most influential origins of food dislikes among schoolchildren were sensory characteristics, especially taste and smell. Among environmental factors were the most influential eating habits in families. Girls were more particular about their food then boys, except when it comes to vegetables. The study revealed that older schoolchildren disliked more organ meat than their younger colleagues. Differences among schoolchildren from western and eastern Slovenia were significant in dislikes toward meat from molluscs and amphibians. Schoolchildren from western Slovenia were less rejectable toward this kind of food.


11. 12. 2009



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

TORKAR, G., KOROŠEC, M., KOSTANJEVEC, S., & POLAK, A. (2009). Food dislikes among Slovenian schoolchildren. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 94(2), 87–93.