Influence of management of herbage composition of Ljubljana Marsh Grasslands


  • Tomaž SINKOVIČ Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija



grassland, botanical composition, cutting, fertilising, Ljubljana marsh


Botanical composition of grasslands determines agronomic and natural values of swards.
Good grassland management usually improves herbage value, but on the other hand
frequently decreases plant diversity in swards. Therefore, we decided to investigate this
relationship in Ljubljana marsh meadows. In 1999 two field trials in split-plot design with 4
replicates were established in Arrhenatherion (trial T1) and Molinion (trial T2) alliances.
Cutting regimes (2 cuts – with normal and delayed first cut, 3 and 4 cuts per year) were
allocated on main plots and fertiliser treatments (zero fertiliser – control, PK and NPK with 2
or 3 N rates) were allocated on sub-plots. The results at 1st cutting in the 4th trial year were as
follows: On both trials fertilising either with PK or NPK regarding all cutting regimes had no
negative effect on plant diversity. In average 20 species were listed on unfertilised and
fertilised swards respectively. At this low to moderate level of defoliation intensity, increased
number of cutting had no negative effect on plant diversity as well (19 species at 2 cuts vs. 20 species at 3 or 4 cuts). On both trials PK fertilising increased the proportion of legumes in
herbage within 2 and 3 cuts. The proportion of grasses in herbage increased at all fertilising
treatments with increased cutting numbers. Fertiliser treatments reduced considerably the
proportion of Equisetum palustre in herbage on T1. This effect was even more pronounced at
higher cut numbers. The proportion of Equisetum palustre in herbage was the highest in
unfertilised sward within 2 cuts and the lowest in NPK fertilised sward within 4 cuts.


15. 09. 2006



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

SINKOVIČ, T. (2006). Influence of management of herbage composition of Ljubljana Marsh Grasslands. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 87(2), 225–233.