The response of cultivated plants to ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation


  • Mateja GERM National Institute of Biology, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenija



cultivated plants, UV-B radiation


UV-B radiation affects leaf ultrastructure and anatomy, photosynthetic pigments, UV-B absorbing compounds, photosynthesis, growth and development, and yield. Plants are exposed in their natural environment to many ecological factors that have together with UV-B radiation synergistic or antagonistic influence on plants. The majority of UV research was short term conducted on controlled conditions in the laboratories and greenhouses, where plants were exposed to strong UV-B radiation, while UV-A and PAR radiation were too weak. Plants are more sensitive to UV radiation if PAR is low. Climate change is going to affect differently crop productivity in different areas of the world, although regional climatic variations and differences in availability of natural resources (e.g. water) make difficult the assessment of crop response at a local level, based on global models. 


15. 09. 2006



Review Article

How to Cite

GERM, M. (2006). The response of cultivated plants to ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation . Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 87(2), 275–283.

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