Design and development of a relational database for functional foods


  • Simona JUVAN Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška Fak., Centralna biotehniška knjižnica, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
  • Tomaž BARTOL Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška Fak., Odd. za agronomijo, Katedra za informatiko, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
  • Bojana BOH Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška Fak., Odd. za kemijsko izobraževanje in informatiko, Vegova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija



functional foods, relational databases, bibliographic databases, planning, design, data collection, data processing, classification, documentation, information science, bibliometrics, scientometrics, human nutrition, health foods, disease prevention, biologically active compounds


We present design and construction of a relational database for functional foods which are defined as foods used in everyday diet, and having beneficial effects on health as well as reducing risks for diseases. Database was designed according to Fienkelstein. It contains entities, attributes, and primary keys. Main entities are represented by: biologically active compounds, classification, properties, foods, physiological effects, diseases, processes, legislation, bibliography, and functional classification. Database was normalised and was constructed with MS Access 2000. It is based on dictionary of entities, attributes, relations, and entity-relationship diagram. It contains data for 35 biologically active foods. Classification tree was set up on the basis of descriptors from FSTA thesaurus following a bibliometric analysis. The data were extracted from 140 documents (articles, books etc.). The database is represented with six inter-linked forms (sheets): Classification, Biologically active compounds, Foods, Diseases, Legislation, Bibliography and Retrieval (Search). It is possible to search according to the following queries: (1) what are functional foods, (2) which active compounds are contained in foods, (3) classification of compounds, (4) which are the risk-reducing compounds, (5) physico-chemical properties of compounds, and (6) legislation in the field of functional foods. Application is available as CD-ROM and is accessible to end-users.


10. 12. 2005



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

JUVAN, S., BARTOL, T., & BOH, B. (2005). Design and development of a relational database for functional foods. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 86(1), 3–15.

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