Conceptualization of the system of social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity


  • Katja VADNAL University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



agriculture, multifuncionality, social services, marketing of services, farm, supplementary activity


Conceptualization of the system of social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity is based on the presumption that new paradigms of agricultural development, as well as new developments in social care can increase the agricultural resources use effectiveness through differentiation of their target market. Concept of multifuncionality of agriculture and principle of normalization in case of social care for persons with special needs are linked up with problem of privatization of social services, at first. Then, the model of market of social services provided as on-farm supplementary activity is constructed.  Finally, parameters of relationship between users and providers, as well as possible modalities of farms with social services as on-farm supplementary activity are defined.


1. 10. 2003



Original Scientific Article

How to Cite

VADNAL, K. (2003). Conceptualization of the system of social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 81(2), 205–220.

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